Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

Yesterday I had the most difficult doctor's appointment I have ever had in my whole life. It seems my cervix just is not wanting to cooperate with Darren (the name we have chosen for our son) and me. It just keeps getting shorter and shorter. But the end of my cervix is still closed, even if it is threatening to pop open at any moment. The conversation with the doctor that followed the ultrasound was the hardest one I have ever had.

I can't really describe the fear and frustration and angst that I have; I am not feeling peaceful or calm. Today is Thanksgiving Day. I am trying to remain positive .... and thankful. And when I think of a thing I am thankful for it doesn't seem to outweigh my dread of the impending three months ahead of John and me. But it does help to think of ALL the things I am grateful for collectively. That seems to keep me sane. So I will share it with you, in no particular order.

I am thankful ...
1. to be married with John, who has been unbelievably tender and loving and supportive during this pregnancy and during all of the issues I have had since Cora was born.
2. to feel (and see) Darren kicking so fiercely and that I am (already) 22.5 weeks along
3. for my children who are handling having a prone mother rather well
4. for everyone at Christ Redeemer Church who has so faithfully cared for us with food and childcare and emotional support .... really there has been such an overwhelming love from them all that I can't count my blessings from church
5. for a God who has been faithful to me even when I have not been faithful to Him.
6. for Jon and Lara who are coming over to celebrate Thanksgiving with us .... and for providing turkey even though Lara is 8+ months pregnant.
7. to have all the friends who have just popped in for a visit or who have called to check up on me
8. to be able to type and read and do little projects .... which has helped to combat boredom
9. for my mother-in-law
10. for warm socks and lots of blankets to keep me warm
11. for high speed internet
12. to hear Cora's contagious laughter and for her wrinkled up nose
13. for a house full of craft supplies
14. for Seth's never ending supply of pictures to cheer me up.
15. for good books
16. to have five brothers and sisters
17. for my rooster that reminds me another day has passed with his crow
18. that there is music in my life
19. that John took me outside to watch the moon rise the other night and for Cora who said "Don't worry, Mom, I won't tell the doctors you are naughty."
20. for laughter
21. my children have such a carefree life
22. my sense of smell is serving me well and I can smell and taste great food (another reason to not want to go to the hospital)
23. for a blog that can help me to refocus
24. for a God who has blessed me with all these things.

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Travellin' Blues

What do I think of computers? Really. On one hand, it is my one link to humanity. On the other, it sucks the life out of me and fills my mind with complete drivel. I have watched at least 14 movies in the last week and a half, mostly lame chick flix because I am afraid to watch something too scary or depressing. But cheesy movies are depressing in themselves. Did I really just watch 126 minutes watching that? Ugh!

What I want to do is take a trip. I spent the better half of the last two days planning my next trip to all the places I'll go when this pregnancy is over and we are all healthy and happy. Patagonia, the Shetland Islands, Cape Breton, Sitka, AK, Peru. And the hikes I want to do! Maybe all this dreaming is inspired by the book I am reading: There's No Toilet Paper ... on the Road Less Traveled. The cover proudly claims it's "the best of travel humor and misadventure". It makes me think of the culture shock John and I have had. And, oddly enough, most of the funny things happened in the US rather than abroad.

It probably started when I first met John. John was invited to a wedding of a high school friend in SD and he invited me as his date. I dressed up in heals and a trim, fitted little black dress that showed my knees and had a slit up the back. It was sleeveless and very chic. But I was introduced to all of John's friends with shocked stares. All the guys were wearing jeans and ropers. And the women were wearing jumpers. But a few years later I married John anyway .... and there were jeans and jumpers at my own wedding.

Then we traveled down south. John and I stopped at a gas station on a back road. It was miles from anywhere and we were starving - but luckily there was a Waffle House across the street. The sign was half lit, and there were two guys sitting out front in overalls with a REALLY nice hound laying at their feet. It was our only option for miles around, but when I went to pay for my gas I merely asked the attendant if the restaurant served anything besides waffles. I was met with an icy glare and a stream of tobacco juice into a soda can .... ten seconds of silence .... I feel strange .... twenty seconds of silence ..... I start to squirm ... forty seconds .... What did I say? .... more tobacco juice ... then finally ..... "Yous ain't from around heh', are ya mam?" It turned out, I had a juicy burger and some sweet potato fries for supper that night.

Then there was the time we were about 10 miles into Wyoming, just leaving South Dakota for Devil's Tower. They were blasting the road out ahead and we were stopped for half an hour waiting for a pilot car to lead us through the construction. A very lean man, probably in his thirties, but who looked about fifty, was holding the stop sign. Wearing a yellow reflective vest with no shirt underneath, he finally came to talk to us. He smiled, showing all three teeth through his scruffy beard, and proceeded to give a slow but steady 25 minute talk, allowing us to get very few words in edgewise. "Got a f----- smoke? 'Scuze me mam. I didn't realize there was a lady in the car. See yous all from SD. That's good. Ain't never been there myself, but hear its nice." I stifle a smirk knowing we are only a few minutes from the border! Really? "Too many f------- foreigners, 'scuze me mam, comin' in here and sh---- up the place, 'scuze me mam. Where are you headed? Devil's tower, I suppose. Been there once. D---- sister got married at the top. We had to f ----- rope up, and shinny to the d----- top, 'scuze me mam, for that there ceremony. Never did understand it. Sure you don't have an f------ smoke? 'Scuze me mam. S-----. I could use a d---- smoke, 'scuze me mam. Well, sure glad you ain't no stupid foreigner. They don't know the ass of the cow from the front. Their always lookin' at a d--- cow and asking 'Are them bison?'" Here he stopped to spit in the dirt. "Sh--, 'scuze me mam, I jus' look and them and say 'No, they ain't'". And so his ramble went on for a half hour. Along came the pilot car and we waved a hearty good-bye and laughed for a hours afterward.

Then there was the West TX hole-in-the-wall gas station a few mi. from the Mexican border where we stopped to use bathroom. I was suddenly and obviously the only white person in the room. It smelled horrible. Everyone stopped talking. I smiled and tried to look nonchalant, but was stared at by at least 10 Latino men. I quickly went to the bathroom and locked the door. I prayed that John would come in after pumping the gas. I again noted the stench. I quickly used the nasty bathroom. What was that smell? There was a knock on the door. I froze. Silence. "Kathleen?" Phew, it was John. I went out and realized the smell was from the very large, very real tiger that was in a chain link cage in the middle of the gas station. A hand painted sign on plywood read "Picture with Tony - $10".

And so I let my mind take me off of bed rest for a time. I'd like to just go into town and get some ice cream. But the sun seems a little more cheerful from the sofa as I read and dream of all the funny and a little unnerving things that may happen on our next trip. And I wonder - what culture shock you have experienced? (Laura, you better not say that it is coming to my house!)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Sentence and a Dedication

At 21 weeks of pregnancy, I was diagnosed with an incompetent cervix. Complete bed rest lays before me until I deliver - hopefully in 3.5 months. I have all sorts of questions about what this means for my health, for the health of my baby and for the dynamics of my family which includes Seth and Cora who are only 4 and 3. I don't know how things will pan out. I don't how to iron out all the details.

But I do know that I am not going to lay on the sofa and let myself pine away into a mental abyss of despair and nothingness. I can't do much while laying on the sofa. But this blog is a (very small) way I would like to give back to all the people who have helped John and me get through this with meals, books, conversation, surprise smiley visits, thoughtful notes, little gifts and flowers. And so this blog is dedicated to you, reader. And I dedicate it to my friends and family and neighbors.

Because I cannot drop by for coffee like I ordinarily would, I hope this blog can be an interactive sight. To get the most out of it, please feel free to leave thoughts, comments and responses.