Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Sentence and a Dedication

At 21 weeks of pregnancy, I was diagnosed with an incompetent cervix. Complete bed rest lays before me until I deliver - hopefully in 3.5 months. I have all sorts of questions about what this means for my health, for the health of my baby and for the dynamics of my family which includes Seth and Cora who are only 4 and 3. I don't know how things will pan out. I don't how to iron out all the details.

But I do know that I am not going to lay on the sofa and let myself pine away into a mental abyss of despair and nothingness. I can't do much while laying on the sofa. But this blog is a (very small) way I would like to give back to all the people who have helped John and me get through this with meals, books, conversation, surprise smiley visits, thoughtful notes, little gifts and flowers. And so this blog is dedicated to you, reader. And I dedicate it to my friends and family and neighbors.

Because I cannot drop by for coffee like I ordinarily would, I hope this blog can be an interactive sight. To get the most out of it, please feel free to leave thoughts, comments and responses.


  1. Kathleen, I am so sorry that you are on bedrest, I couldn't even imagine that with 3 kiddos!! Hopefully it will quick and uneventful!! Thinking about you from Michigan.


  2. Thinking of you Kathleen! Sorry to hear about the bed rest but not surprised your going to make something great out of the experience. I'm looking forward to reading and responding to your blog. I hope it gives you encouragement and strength in the next couple of months.
    Miss you,

  3. Kathleen, I really wish I could drop by with a cup of coffee for you. It would be so great to catch up. We'll be praying that you and baby stay healthy.
    Sarah Cronin

  4. Hi honey, what a great idea to do this! You might be interested in looking over the book list on It's a "guy page" but I notice quite a few women are reading it! How many of those books have you already read?
    Love, Mom
