Well, I have been silent for some time, mostly because of the arrival of my sweet son, Darren. He is finally here, after all the waiting and worry, and he is a huge blessing to me. It seems so strange that you can love someone so intensely from the moment you meet them. It seems strange how full my arms feel and how much I love to hold and snuggle him. I have a confession: I am a Darren hog. I don't really want to share him.
Tuesday, March 22, the doctors determined that I was dilated to five cm and that we should consider speeding things along, so they stripped my membranes to push me into labor. They were concerned that I would have a quick labor and told me to stick around the hospital walking the halls. When labor started, I should proceed to the birthing pavilion. But after 45 minutes, I still had no serious contractions - so I proceeded home instead.
Then on Friday, March 25 the doctors determined that I was dilated to just shy of 7 cm. "Why aren't you in labor?" they asked, as if it was my choice. Beats the heck out of me, but I wasn't. I was getting increasingly concerned about not making it to the hospital on time for the delivery at this rate, and was relieved when they finally admitted me to the hospital, even though I wasn't in labor. They broke my water convinced that I'd have him quickly. But eight hours later, I was still not in labor. My dad put it nicely when he asked me if the I was sure the doctors hadn't removed my spark plugs.
Finally, with a little help of drugs, I started contracting in earnest - pretty ironic after they had to stop my contractions earlier in pregnancy. Darren was born about 2.5 hours later. Born on March 26, 2011 at 7:35am. He came so quickly that he had a perfectly shaped head and great color, with Apgar scores of 8 and 9. He weighed 7 lbs 12 oz and is 20 inches long. Darren is one healthy little boy.
Forty five minutes later, I still had not birthed the placenta. When bleeding began to worsen, I was rushed across the hall to the OR. The scariest part was when they told me on the way over that they were unsure of whether or not they would need to perform a hysterectomy. However, they were able to simply extract the placenta with their hands. Anemia is the worst that came out of it. I squeaked by without having to receive any blood. We are hoping that since they did not need to use instrumentation that I will heal without any Asherman's, but only time will tell.
I love Darren intensely. And I am continuously amazed that we actually made it through this pregnancy without the anticipated trauma. I was so fearful, for so long, about so many things. But we have arrived. My heart is brimming with gladness, relief, gratefulness and joy.
Darren seems to be quite a contented little fellow as well. He is just shy of a week old, and he still hasn't really cried. Perhaps he is as grateful for success as I am. Or maybe it is the love that he has been given since his delivery, starting with the birthday cake that Seth and Cora brought him the day he was born. When I am not basking him with Mama lovin's, Cora is loving up on him with kisses, hugs and calling him "Cutie, cute" or "Baby Darry". And when she isn't doing that, Seth is showing him everything. Pine cones. Tools. Baby toys. Seth built him a fort out of the sofa cushions to play in. And he has drawn so many pictures of owls for Darren that I might start a museum. John has been all smiles for a days now. Relaxed and cheerful and glad.
Unfortunately, after being home for two days, I developed a uterine infection. Fever, cramping that can be likened to labor, nausea, woozy. I actually don't think I have ever been so sick, ever. Like that cat that came back, I have been readmitted to the hospital. Here I have developed a new love for some extremely good antibiotics. And here I sit, just starting to feel on the up and up, blogging away, and with a beautiful baby asleep on my chest while I type. Hopefully I'll be out of here for good by Sunday.