This cheerful read was followed by the visit from my kids and husband. After some sensational homemade chicken soup for lunch, we played Uno. Cora and I then took naps and had some snuggle time. But really the highlight for me was the wheelchair ride they took me on. Seth and Cora took turns careening me up and down the long hall way at top speed. They do not push in straight lines, nor do they like to go at sensible speeds. They loved to run me into the wall and posts but I would steer them out of the way at the last moment, seemingly on only two wheels. All of us laughed and laughed when Cora sat on my lap and Seth somehow clung to the back of the chair like a monkey. John sprinted our wheel chair menagerie down the corridor - squeals of delight ensued. I felt like a puppy with my head out the car window. My bed-head hair flapped in the breeze like giant ears, but I did manage to keep my tongue in my mouth. I am sure we made quite the sight. Their visit was topped off with root beer floats. Then, Amy stopped by with a dinner for my family to pop in the oven after their visit with me.
Tai made a surprise visit with (absolutely fantastic tasting) eggnog to celebrate the New Year. The New Year treat was complete with plastic champagne glasses and noise makers, which Seth and Cora will love tomorrow! And then the evening charge nurse, who is an avid quilter, stopped by with books and books for me to look through. She even brought a star quilt she is working on for me to see which was absolutely stunning! It was made out of warm rust and cream and brown batiks. Her hand quilting puts mine to shame, at 11 stitches per inch.
And so, maybe this hospital business isn't so bad. I am so grateful to be here and not in Burlington. It feels much safer than being at home. And I am grateful for the love everyone gave me today. I am grateful for encouragement. Most of all, I am grateful Darren was not born in 2010.